This is MSA Foams Ltd.

We think inside the box.

MSA Foams Ltd, an accredited foam converter under Zotefoams, was acquired by Peli Products UK, a renowned provider of rugged protective cases, in 2012. With a wide customer base, MSA Foams serves various industries, including defence packaging for military applications, as well as the automotive, aerospace, and industrial sectors. We specialise in creating bespoke foams for instrumentation, electronics, and other specific customer requirements.

Exterior shot of the MSA Foams building in Dorset.

The history of MSA Foams

MSA Foams Ltd was acquired by Peli Products UK in 2012, and since then, it has experienced significant investments in both manufacturing space and machinery. The facility located in Ferndown, Dorset, which was obtained after the acquisition, has expanded to more than four times its original size.

An aerial shot of the MSA Foams Ltd building in Dorset taken with a drone.

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Accredited by:

ADS accreditation
Joscar accreditation.
WEAF accreditation
ISO 9001 Quality Management Accreditation
cert. No. 259563
ISO 14001 Environmental Management Accreditation
cert. No. 259562
Zotefoams accreditation
Make UK Defence accreditation.